února 24, 2009

jens lekman.

jens lekman - pocketful of money.

jens lekman - the opposite of hallelujah.

jens lekman - sipping on the sweet nectar.

zbožňuju diskuse ve formě "great, but a little gay".

the sound of sweden a la následováníhodný svenska pop ve formě hlavního aktéra.

"here's a wishlist if people want to give me things: any kind of clothes, pants, shirts, socks, sweaters, hats, jackets ... it's always good cause you can't bring 30 pair of pants and you smell really bad when you sit in a van and sleep on someones floor and play show after show. if you make clothes and want me to wear them there's a much better chance for that than getting your band a recorddeal. i also like good dark chocolate and cheap jewelry."

"I wake up early. From the night before I have carefully folded four clean towels and hung them on a chair. I feed the birds from my window. On my desk there is a bowl of red apples, I take one bite, then put it back waiting until the bite turns brown. I spin on my chair, a dirty thought passes through my head but I let it be. As a young magpie lands on my window sill I slowly wipe my sweaty forehead with one of the towels. Then I lie down for a few hours. When I wake up it is late and I buy the evening paper, carefully reading every word. I open my window and throw breadcrumbles to the young magpie. Occasionally I throw small rocks at him with the message "Life is hard" written in tiny red letters. Then I have supper and I go to bed."

příště už to vykradu celý.

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