'Sweden: More Than a Bunch of Preternaturally Beautiful People
Before this decade, you'd be forgiven for thinking Sweden's pop music legacy began and ended with ABBA, the Cardigans, and Ace of Base. No more. The Nordic wonderland has been a fount of non-stop excellence in all sorts of forms over the last 10 years, from the post-Morrissey singer-songwriter-isms of Jens Lekman, Peter Bjorn and John, José González, and the Labrador Records crew to the soft-focus pop of the Concretes and El Perro Del Mar to hip-hop tinged vixens Robyn and Lykke Li to the coastal beats of the Tough Alliance, Air France, and Studio. Meanwhile, brother-sister duo the Knife pushed the Swedish sound into heretofore uncharted and beguiling territory with their hit "Heartbeats" and their haunted LP Silent Shout, which hit number one on Sweden's charts and our very own Top Albums of 2006 list.'
Z konvenčního hlediska nepatřičnosti, s trochou citu chlapci, u kterých se brečí moc dobře: míra útrpnosti závisí na konkrétním jméně. Je pravda, že Labrador Records crew jich za poslední dekádu vypustila spousty (spektrum od globálních jmen po ta lokální), společným jmenovatelem je vždy: melancholie & ironie, folk & indie, texty skutečně (tematicky) morrisseyovské, upouštějící nulovou atmosféru sympatickými vložkami. Někteří reprezentují ten dřevní postoj ve stylu já + kytara + balíček tesco kapesníků, druzí se snaží rafinovaněji, schovávají se za hromadou krámů, jmenovitě sbory, elektronické plochy, samply, sirény a řehtačky. Idea jedna, realizace dle osobních preferencí. Příběhy performované s nečekanou rozjetou rozhoupaností s knoflíčky pozapínanými až ke krku, polštářové bitvy prožitého dětství & rozklížené dospělosti, introvertní lahůdky pro introverty podávané s takřka estrádním gustem, pravda a láska promítané na zadní plátno. Skladby z různých časových i náladových období namačkané do krabičky, na které je neuměle naškrábáno my life story, read carefully & enjoy yourself responsibly.

"I've been having this anger inside of me the last three months. I don't know where it comes from exactly, but it has to do with patterns in my life that keep repeating themselves, plans that don't work out, the reality of things, money, stupidity (my own and others), boredom, frustration, jealousy, mistakes, misunderstandings. I've been trying to write about it here but I havent been able to finish the sentences. I can't turn it into art."
'I don't know if/she's worth 900 kr/cause that's a ticket/from Gothenburg to Barcelona/oh loves me, loves me not/I wanna fill her heart/with forget-me-nots/so she'll think of me/in Barcelona' .. 'A man walks into a bar /Orders a beer and a bowl of peanuts /But the bar turns into a spaceship /And the bartender gives him a haircut /I can’t remember the end of that joke /You once told it to me when we smoked /On your father’s expensive cigars /All I remember is the part of a man walking into a bar' .. 'Plant a tree for all the dead people/Who's been hurt in love and war/When that tree comes in to leave/It’s all forgive/and forgiven, forgiven/The forest is getting/smaller and smaller/Be good/Do all the things you should/Be good/Do as you wish you would' .. how that song goes?

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